Leverage AI-powered carbon emissions software for enhanced transparency with your customers

Identify, measure, and report on your carbon emissions to win more business, stay ahead of regulatory requirements, and drive efficiency within your organization.

Let us help you:

I've been sent an Avarni supplier survey and I have some questions.
Read our Supplier FAQs
My customer is asking me to provide my emissions data, but I don’t know where to start.
Learn how Avarni can help
Decarbonization software - Avarni integrations

Why Scope 3 emissions matter

  • Neglecting Scope 3 emissions in climate commitments not only weakens a company’s  overall climate strategy but it leads to risk in terms of mandatory climate reporting and greenwashing claims
  • Scope 3 emissions are notoriously the most difficult to report on – traditionally involving time-consuming and manual labour.
  • Addressing Scope 3 emissions can drive systemic change across the entire value chain, influencing supplier behaviors, enhancing sustainability practices, and ultimately leading to a more comprehensive reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions.

Benefits of sharing your emissions data with your customers

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Win more business

Demonstrate your commitment to sustainability practices, as procurement managers frequently seek sustainability data when selecting providers.
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Remain compliant

Sharing emissions data helps meet increasing regulatory requirements and industry standards on sustainability reporting.
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Drive efficiency

Analyzing and sharing emissions data encourages internal reviews and improvements, leading to more efficient processes and cost reductions.

Get visibility, transparency, and clarity with Avarni's end-to-end carbon emissions software

  • Quickly identify your Scope 1-3 emissions using your procurement spend data
  • Eliminate the administrative burden of manual reporting and spreadsheets
  • Reduce the time spent on traditional emissions tracking by 93% and cost by 305%
  • Run powerful reports, including emissions forecasting, to share with your customers and evaluate your decarbonization strategy
Explore the Avarni platform
Decarbonization software - Avarni integrations

Supplier FAQs

  • What is carbon accounting?
    Carbon accounting is the process of systematically measuring and recording the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with specific spend and activity data activities of an organization over a defined period. It uses established emission factors, which convert spend and activity data (like liters of fuel used or kilowatt-hours of electricity consumed) into carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e).
  • How does Avarni work?
    Simply upload your procurement spend and activity data into Avarni, and Avarni’s powerful AI technology automatically converts the data into emissions data, allowing you to visualize your organization’s carbon footprint, broken down by Scopes 1-3, GHG categories, suppliers, and more.
  • What is the cost to use Avarni?
    If you were invited to Avarni by your customer (via a questionnaire or login), you may use Avarni for FREE to upload your procurement spend and activity data and watch as Avarni automatically calculates your carbon footprint. If you wish to unlock Avarni’s premium features, including the ability to forecast your future emissions and mobilize your own suppliers, please get in touch.

Tap into expert sustainability support

Looking for guidance on your decarbonization journey? Avarni has partnered with the world’s leading sustainability consultants, including Schneider Electric, Jacobs and KPMG Australia. Get in touch to discover how our consulting partners can help you achieve your net zero goals.

Decarbonization software - Avarni integrations

Robust data security

At Avarni, the security of your data is our top priority. We are SOC 2 compliant, demonstrating our steadfast commitment to maintaining the highest security standards. Review our security posture for more information.

Decarbonization software - Avarni integrations
Avarni’s automation software enabled us to easily assemble data that had been previously distributed across multiple spreadsheets and sources, and facilitated a robust analysis of our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.
headshot: Robert Selby
Robert Selby
Chief Technical & Risk Management at Morrison Hershfield
Avarni’s software was easy to use and is supporting us to reach our target of net zero in our supply chain by 2040. Avarni really understood our goal and worked with us to achieve more accurate data from our supply chain. We look forward to building on this partnership.
avatar: City of London
City of London Corporation
Avarni’s extensive technical knowledge of the greenhouse gas emissions and reductions space and their technology platform provided excellent insight into our current emissions profile so that we can set meaningful reduction targets for the future.
headshot: Robert Selby
Robert Selby
Chief Technical & Risk Management at Morrison Hershfield
Avarni enables us to greatly enhance the speed and quality at which we deliver greenhouse gas emissions insights to our customers. We are excited to work closely with them as a key partner in expanding Earth Finance's Scope 3 decarbonization solution set.
headshot: Garrett Kephart
Garrett Kephart
President at Earth Finance, Inc.
Because of Avarni, we have been able to get a thorough understanding of our impact areas and emissions, not only in our own operations, but also in our supply chain. They have provided cutting-edge and helped Underworks set solid 2030 carbon reduction goals.
headshot: Annelou Ringers
Annelou Ringers
Sustainability Manager at Underworks
Avarni's software is easy to use and very intuitive, upload of data is simple and straightforward, results for Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions are shown in a very clear form - and they are always ready to help, have quick meetings, chats and receive and apply feedback.
headshot: Marina Lunardi
Marina Lunardi
Life-cycle Strategy Lead at 5B

Learn how Avarni's carbon emissions software can enhance trust and transparency with your customers

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