Go from supplier engagement to supplier mobilization and ensure you meet your net zero targets

To achieve net zero targets, organizations must ensure their suppliers align with the same timeframe and goals. Supplier engagement alone won't suffice; what's needed is supplier mobilization. Avarni makes it easy to gather emissions data from your suppliers, and provides the insights you need to take actionable steps in your decarbonization journey.
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Benefit from a powerful supplier mobilization platform

Benefits for you:
  • Create a complete picture of your supply chain emissions.
  • Replace proxy emissions data with supplier-provided data.
  • Streamline and automate your supplier emissions reporting.
  • Collaborate with suppliers on your net zero initiatives.
Benefits for your suppliers:
  • Provide an easy way for suppliers to report emissions on an ongoing basis.
  • Build trust and loyalty by helping your suppliers to stand out from their competition and increase your suppliers’ chances of winning more business.
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Get started with supplier mobilization in 5 easy steps

Upon joining Avarni, your dedicated customer success manager will assist you in implementing supplier mobilization best practices. You’ll then collect crucial data from your suppliers in a user-friendly platform and harness valuable insights to drive actionable progress in your decarbonization journey.

1. Identify your top suppliers

Get started by completing your AI-powered supply chain emissions audit and supplier readiness gap analysis to identify your top emissions sources and suppliers to mobilize for the biggest impact.
Avarni - supplier insights

2. Onboard your top suppliers

Onboard your top suppliers by sending them a customized online questionnaire for them to complete.

The questionnaire allows suppliers to submit fuel & energy data to get a baseline of their Scope 1-3 emissions automatically, so when the suppliers log into Avarni, their baseline is already calculated.
Avarni - supplier emissions questionnaire

3. Automate your suppliers’ carbon accounting

Once the questionnaire is complete, watch as the responses are automatically converted into emissions data and populated into your dashboard, replacing your proxy data.

The data is also populated into your suppliers’ dashboard, and suppliers get full access to Avarni’s calculation and reporting capabilities at no additional cost.
Avarni - Emissions dashboard

4. Encourage your suppliers to go further

If your suppliers want to take it a step further, they may sign up for their own subscription to Avarni, which allows them to do their own supplier readiness gap analysis, perform forecasting and initiative planning, and access the tools to mobilize their own suppliers down the chain.

You will be notified of suppliers who take these further steps, which will help you to identify preferred suppliers who are helping you move the needle towards net zero.
Avarni - emissions forecasting: emissions scenarios charting

5. Leverage your supplier insights

By empowering your suppliers to easily calculate their own Scope 1-3 emissions, you’ll be able to create a complete picture of your own value chain emissions, make informed procurement decisions, and collaborate on mutual decarbonization initiatives.
Avarni - suppliers by emission source

Robust data security

At Avarni, the security of your data is our top priority. We are SOC 2 compliant, demonstrating our steadfast commitment to maintaining the highest security standards. Review our security posture for more information.

Decarbonization software - Avarni integrations

Looking for more information?

Read our Frequently Asked Questions
Avarni’s automation software enabled us to easily assemble data that had been previously distributed across multiple spreadsheets and sources, and facilitated a robust analysis of our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.
headshot: Robert Selby
Robert Selby
Chief Technical & Risk Management at Morrison Hershfield
Avarni’s software was easy to use and is supporting us to reach our target of net zero in our supply chain by 2040. Avarni really understood our goal and worked with us to achieve more accurate data from our supply chain. We look forward to building on this partnership.
avatar: City of London
City of London Corporation
Avarni’s extensive technical knowledge of the greenhouse gas emissions and reductions space and their technology platform provided excellent insight into our current emissions profile so that we can set meaningful reduction targets for the future.
headshot: Robert Selby
Robert Selby
Chief Technical & Risk Management at Morrison Hershfield
Avarni enables us to greatly enhance the speed and quality at which we deliver greenhouse gas emissions insights to our customers. We are excited to work closely with them as a key partner in expanding Earth Finance's Scope 3 decarbonization solution set.
headshot: Garrett Kephart
Garrett Kephart
President at Earth Finance, Inc.
Because of Avarni, we have been able to get a thorough understanding of our impact areas and emissions, not only in our own operations, but also in our supply chain. They have provided cutting-edge and helped Underworks set solid 2030 carbon reduction goals.
headshot: Annelou Ringers
Annelou Ringers
Sustainability Manager at Underworks
Avarni's software is easy to use and very intuitive, upload of data is simple and straightforward, results for Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions are shown in a very clear form - and they are always ready to help, have quick meetings, chats and receive and apply feedback.
headshot: Marina Lunardi
Marina Lunardi
Life-cycle Strategy Lead at 5B

Take control of your net zero journey

Don't let your decarbonization goals slip away from you. Take charge of your supply chain emissions, and make data-driven decisions every step of the way.
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